10 Innovative Methods To Increase The Pace Of The Mobile Application Development

Are you someone who is working as a developer or as a designer in a Mobile App Development company? OR Are you someone who is an owner of an IT organization who is providing the services of Mobile Application Development to all the customers? Then, you must be knowing how to develop an attractive mobile app both for Android as well as in iOS. Today, mobile app development has been in huge demand and therefore, you all should know about that in detail.

Talking about the mobile app development, today I’m going to give you the list of 10 innovative methods which will definitely help you all to increase the pace of the mobile application development. So, why wait for anything special to happen? Let’s get straight into the thick of things and analyze each method one-by-one. 

[1.] Always Plan Before You Execute:- 

If you’re someone who is working as a developer in an IT organization who is providing the services of Mobile App Development to all the customers, then you must be knowing that, when you’re developing any mobile app, you need to plan all the things well in advance. A good planning will help you to be on the right path that leads to success. But, what happens in most cases is that developers directly execute without any plan, which costs all them in the end results. 

[2.] Believe In Hybrid App Development:- 

As a developer who has the experience of working on many mobile app development projects, you must be knowing about the two major operating system for mobile which you have to develop the app: Android and iOS. So, instead of developing two separate applications for Android and iOS, what you can do is go for the Hybrid Application Development. The reason for that is, with hybrid development you can develop an app that works well on both the platforms. 

[3.] Go With MVP:- 

If you’re someone who is working in an IT firm who is providing the Mobile Application Development to all the clients, then you must be knowing about MVP. MVP is an abbreviation for Minimal Viable Product and as a mobile app developer, you should first develop the MVP of your app instead of directly developing the final product. By developing the MVP, you will be able to know the areas where you need to improve, which will help you all to increase the speed. 

[4.] Use Off-The-Shelf Component:- 

If you’re someone who has the experience of working on the many mobile app development projects, then you must be knowing that you should not make each and every component of your application from scratch. It’s good to provide customization in your mobile application, but you should not make each component from the word go. Instead of that, you can use the readymade solution available on the web for some of the components, which will save your invaluable time.

[5.] Outsource The Tasks, If you’re Not Proficient:- 

As Mobile App Developers who have the experience of developing some of the most complex applications, you must be knowing that developing an attractive mobile app is not an easy task. You need to have the right kind of experience to pull of such tasks. Therefore, if you feel that, you’re not able to develop the level of an app that you desire to, then it’s better to outsource some tasks from the professionals. The reason for that is, they can handle any kind of problems.

[6.] Assign The Side Tasks To Outsiders:- 

This is one of the most innovative ways to increase the overall pace of your development process for developing the mobile app. As a developer, you must be knowing that, in app development, there are some tasks which need proper attention, so that must be handled by you. But, there will be some tasks which can be done by anyone. So, assign all those tasks to any outsiders and get your work done. This way, you will be able to increase the pace of the development process.

[7.] Use The Wireframes As A Blueprint:- 

If you’re someone who is working as a developer in a Android Application Development Company for a long time, then you must be knowing about the wireframes. Wireframes give you the rough blueprint of what your application will look like. So, if you have a prepared a wireframe for your mobile app well in advance, then it will definitely help you to increase the pace of the development. In addition to all that, it also sets you on the right path, without a doubt. 

[8.] Short Release Cycles:- 

This is perhaps one of the innovative as well as one of the most useful methods that you can implement for your mobile app development process, in order to make it quicker than ever before. What you can do as a developer is that, you should develop only the necessary features of your mobile application and launch it in the market. Once the product is launched, you can add the other features as a part of updates. This method is called the Short Release Cycles, for sure. 

[9.] Flexible Team Size:- 

If you’re someone who is working as a developer in one of the Top App Development Companies for a long time, then you must be knowing about the importance of the teamwork in any development task. Therefore, it is necessary to have a great team of dedicated developers as well the designers, if you want to have a success. What happens in a team scenario is that, the tasks are divided among the members, which helps you all in the rapid application development. 

[10.] Use Good Mix Of Manual And Automation Testing:- 

Last but not the least is testing your mobile application before it is released in the market. Testing is such a crucial component of any development cycle and the same applies to the case of mobile app development, where testing the app will give you an idea of its performance. Now, for that purpose, you should always use the mixture of manual testing and automation testing. The reason behind that is, you can increase the chance of being successful in your testing methods, for sure.

Summing Things…

After reading thousands of articles, analyzing hundreds of surveys and conducting the meeting with various IT industry experts across the world, I have made a list of 10 innovative methods to increase the pace of the mobile application development.

I hope that, after reading this article, all your doubts related to Mobile Application Development will be removed and it will help you all to be aware of the 10 innovative methods to increase the pace of the mobile application development which will eventually help when you’re dealing any Mobile Application Development project in the future. Thank You.!

eSparkBiz is a leading Website Design Company as well as the leading Mobile App Development Company who believes in nothing less than excellence & perfection. Over the last 8 years, we have handled many complex web application development projects. We are an organization who gives prime importance to customer inputs as well as customer satisfaction.

If you’re looking to Hire Mobile App Developer, then don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a dedicated team of highly skilled and experienced Mobile App developers as well as designers who will help you all to develop an amazing mobile application in Android OR in iOS for your business, firm, company or organization according to your requirements.


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